Restart 2 – Local Conference


Wondering why #Restart2 has been trending for some while? AIESEC Alexandria did it AGAIN! RESTART 2 was AIESEC Alexandria’s biggest local conference in 2013. 

Bursting with passion, this conference gave every delegate an unforgettable experience to end the year with. Restart 2 made a massive hit with the members of AIESEC Alexandria!

AIESEC conferences are where the members come together to create an intense learning experience. Each year AIESEC organizes and delivers conferences where members have the opportunity to receive training sessions, develop strategies for the future of the organisation, discuss mattering world issues and engage with the AIESECers and Alumni. It is a unique chance to elaborate on skills, widen personal networks, demonstrate active leadership and have lots of fun at the same time.


Restart 2 was an introductory conference about AIESEC for new members. They learned more about AIESEC, its values, history and future. They also gained personal skills through different sessions. At this conference, new members got all the necessary tools to make the most out of their experience in AIESEC.


Divya Jagasia; Member Committee Vice President of Talent Management in AIESEC Egypt, enlightened the delegates as the conference chair. Sessions and workshops were delivered by the Executive Board of AIESEC Alexandria 2013 and 2 of AIESEC Alexandria’s incredibly inspiring Alumni; Mina Shakhloul (Local Committee President of AIESEC Alexandria 2012) and Yomna Elninnie (Local Committee Vice President Incoming Exchange of AIESEC Alexandria 2012).




Drum rolls shook the place where the Executive Board of 2014 was announced during the conference! The conference also took a very spooky twist where a Halloween party took place!

Not only did this experience successfully get the members on track but it also boosted their esteem with a hypnotizing experience!

Watch this!

Curious to see what they said?

“The most amazing three days, the conference was awesome! AIESEC ALEXANDRIA Simply ROCKS!”
Doha Saber


“As a new member, I am so excited to be an AIESECer! The last 3 days were the most amazing days in my life! I got to live the AIESEC life, I got to know amazing people and see the new Executive Board of 2014. Congratulations guys, I am so proud of you. I can see that this Local Committee is moving forward!”
Mohannad Abo Elela


“I consider those three days as the best experience in my life. I’m really really proud of the team I worked with and I don’t know what to say for the amazing delegates! You were so helpful and kind with us! Thanks delegates and facilitators. Thanks AIESEC Alexandria!”
Khaled Elkharashy


“Attending my first AIESEC conference ever, and being part of its OC was a very intense and motivating experience! Thank you RESTART 2.0, thank you everyone, I believe I did catch the AIESEC flu!”
Omar Keshta


“Being part of this amazing team is literally one of my best experiences ever .I enjoyed every moment working with each and every one starting from the first day. Thank you delegates, Executive Board and facilitators. We wouldn’t have done it without your support!”
Caroline Heshmat


“One of the most amazing three days in my life! So Proud to be part of the team with all those great people. An amazing conference with great delegates and facilitators! CONGRATULATIONS for the elected Executive Board of 2014! The conference was AWESOME! AIESEC Alexandria simply ROCKS!”
Rania Elfouy


“I’m very proud of being part of this team. The team spirit was super high; we have achieved all what you have seen in just 4 days! Thanks to each and every one of you. We made it!”
Ziad Elsergany


“A great conference organized from a great Organizing Committee team with amazing delegates!”
Abdallah Elkafrawy


“I really can’t find words to describe how much I am proud of being part of this family which is called AIESEC ALEXANDRIA. I want to thank everyone who has helped in giving me this experience. And finally, I am so proud of you my lovely Organizing Committee team. Thanks for everything you have done!”
Mohamed Raouf


“I’m literally inspired by each and every one of you. Thanks for this amazing conference!”
Riham Refaat


“Before waking up of this nice dream and going back to the land of reality, I would like to thank each and every one who was in this conference. You made me feel soooo good! Thanks to the amazing Organizing Committee team who actually exceeded my expectations and delivered the best conference I have ever attended. You are the best Organizing Committee I have ever seen! And last but not least, thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you for the Executive Board of 2013. Even a million thank you will not be enough! You guys are the best people I have ever met. I will not miss you because you will always be in my heart.”
Mostafa Ellebeshi


Omar Elsaid


“A truly unforgettable conference with the most amazing people ever! Such an incredible experience! AIESEC Alexandria never fails to inspire us!”
Mai Elkholy


“AWESOME CONFERENCE! As for the new members, welcome to our family! Looking forward for the next conference. I already miss the conference mood! Don’t you just love AIESEC?”
Tarek Ghanem


“I sat for a moment with myself and thought how much AIESEC changed me how much my leaders and members inspired me. Thanks for everything AIESECers! It’s great to know you all and have the best experience throughout this conference!”
Engy Yousry


“One more magnificent experience to add to my journey and another reason to be deeply in love with AIESEC! I simply I do love each and every person in the Local Committee! Thank you all for your support!”
Alaa Amin