Incredible India


My name is Riham Refaat. I’m a 22-year old that has had the best AIESEC experience ever in incredible India! Shall we start from the beginning?


I first chose to travel with AIESEC to fulfill my passion about traveling along with personal development and volunteering. When I was first asked which country I wanted to go to, my quick answer was India. Then it all started!

I worked in an educational project that is concerned with Child Rights in cooperation with SCEAD Foundation in Bangalore, India. My experience in India is unforgettable to an extent that it could be broadcasted on a TV show that everyone will enjoy watching! I met awesome friends from all around the world and by time, they became family!

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My internship was in Bangalore but in weekends, we went to cities like Pondicherry, Mysore or far locations like farms and country side.

In such experience, you go beyond the boundaries of ethnics, religions or languages and then you start your journey with the most wonderful people in the world – who I quote – “Now you have friends from every corner of the world and it will be hard for you to decide where to travel first.”

As for India – or I better call it – “The country of diversity”, it doesn’t only have beautiful scenery and touristic spots and sightseeing, but it also teaches you the true essence of co-existence and accepting others.


This experience helped me become more responsible and independent as once you set foot on the plane, you forget about your spoiled life and start doing things on your own – even the smallest things such as cooking, laundry and self-budgeting. This, in addition to my amazing work experience as I worked in many places with different tasks.


Travelling is the best thing you can do to broaden your vision about the world and develop yourself in a recognizable way. I advise everyone in my age to take the challenge and begin their own experience. Believe me, it’s totally worth it!